Date: 5/7/2014Board: Planning CommissionDocumentType: MinutesWeb Posted: 6/5/2014 10:19:13 AM
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DATE: MAY 7TH, 2014

The Planning Commission of the City of Shawnee, County of Pottawatomie, State of Oklahoma, met in the Commission Chambers, at City Hall, 9th and Broadway, on Wednesday, May 7th, 2014 at 1:30 p.m., pursuant to notice duly posted as prescribed by law.


Upon roll call the following members were present:

Present: Bergsten, Carter, Turner, Silvia, Cowen, Salter
Absent: Hoster

The meeting was called to order.

AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Approval of the minutes from the April 2nd, 2014 Planning Commission Meeting

Chairman Turner asked for any comments or questions regarding the minutes. There were none. Chairman Turner then proceeded to ask for a motion. Commissioner Silvia made the motion to approve the minutes as listed, seconded by Commissioner Carter to approve the April 2nd, 2014 minutes.

Motion passed:
AYE: Bergsten, Carter, Turner, Silvia, Cowen, Salter

AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Citizens Participation

Chairman Turner opened the Citizens’ Participation and asked if anyone would like to
speak. No one came forward.

AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Case #P06-14 – A public hearing for consideration of approval of an amendment to a Planned Unit Development located at 3306 N. Kickapoo, Shawnee, OK

Applicant: J. Michael Adcock

Chairman Turner asked for the staff report. Justin Debruin presented the staff report.

Staff recommended approval of the amendment subject to four conditions.

Commissioner Silvia briefly summarized by stating that the amendment would relieve
some of the monument signage becoming stacked along Kickapoo Street and
therefore increasing the visibility for southbound traffic. Justin Debruin agreed.

Chairman Turner opened the public hearing and asked if anyone would like to speak
for or against the proposal. No one came forward. Chairman Turner closed the public
portion and asked if any of the Commissioners had questions or comments.

With no questions or comments, Chairman Turner asked for a motion. Commissioner
Silvia made a motion to approve as described by staff with four
recommendations, seconded by Commissioner Bergsten.

Commissioner Hoster arrived at 1:37p.m.

Motion carries:
AYE: Bergsten, Carter, Hoster, Turner, Silvia, Cowen, Salter

AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Case #P07-14 – A public hearing for consideration of approval to rezone property located at North Bryan, Shawnee, OK from A-1; Agricultural to R-3; Multi-Family Residential

Applicant : Mike Langley

Chairman Turner asked for the staff report. Justin Debruin presented the staff report.

Chairman Turner asked for verification of the exact location of the proposed rezoning, with the conceptual site plans including more property on the eastern side. Justin Debruin relayed that the conceptual drawings were very rough drafts. Chairman Turner asked the applicant, Mike Langley, if he had any idea of the number of occupants or bedrooms that would be built. Mike Langley mentioned that he believed there would be no more than forty units max and he apologized for the confusion from the conceptual drawings. He also mentioned the plans would involve more upscale condo type units, no more than two stories and having a staggered look. Commissioner Silvia wanted to clarify the zoning east of the proposed zoning request on the packet and Justin Erickson commented that it was A-1 zoning. Chairman Turner asked about any future plans on street traffic given the fact that the Granada area is residential. Justin Erickson informed Turner that there may be more entrances coming off Bryan with the development and he could work with the applicant in regards to that issue. Commissioner Silvia wanted to make sure the infrastructure was correct and asked if there were sewer lines to the property. Justin Erickson said there were none and the developer would extend it and tie on to it. Commissioner Silvia discussed that there may be traffic lights coming to help with any increasing traffic. Chairman Turner also mentioned the increased traffic flow with Greg Brown’s addition across the street. Justin Erickson discussed the City had plans to install a traffic signal to help with the possible traffic issues and a larger improvement to the Macarthur/Bryan Street area in the future. Chairman Turner also wanted to make sure Staff knew the sign posted was not legible.

Chairman Turner opened for public comment and asked for anyone in support to come forward. The applicant Mike Langley came forward and wanted to clarify matters regarding the conceptual drawings and also reassure that the entrances would be off Bryan Street. Mr. Langley stated the plans were to be a positive improvement to the neighborhood and bring upscale apartments to the City. Commissioner Silvia asked the applicant if there were plans for the developer to maintain the maintenance to the property. Mike Langley informed him that he would. Commissioner Cowen asked if the applicant had a timeline and Mike Langley informed him that he did not but it would be the first of the next year at the earliest.

Chairman Turner asked if there was anyone else who would like to come forward to speak for the proposal. Kaye Harrod discussed that she believed there was a need in Shawnee for upscale apartments and that it would be beneficial. Pat Weir also came forward mentioning she lives in Granada as well and that the rezone was only for the five acres not the other three acres on the eastern side. Chairman Turner asked if this was correct and Justin Erickson agreed.

Chairman Turner asked if there was anyone who spoke against the proposal. No one came forward and she closed the public portion.

Chairman Turner asked if the Commissioners had any questions or comments. Commissioner Cowen relayed his concern for the insufficient information regarding the
exact plans for the development. Chairman Turner also discussed her concerns regarding the unclear idea of the development also. Chairman Turner mentioned the residents in Granada did not get adequate notification. Commissioner Silvia spoke that the public should take appropriate action to notice the sign and to question what it is in regards to if there are uncertainties.

Chairman Turner asked for a motion. Commissioner Hoster made a motion to approve, seconded by Commissioner Silvia.

Motion carries:
AYE: Bergsten, Carter, Hoster, Silvia, Cowen, Salter

AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Case #P08-14 – A public hearing for consideration of approval of a Conditional Use Permit located at 909 E. Independence, Shawnee, OK from R-3; Multi-Family Residential to C-1; with Conditional Use Permit

Applicant: Kaye Harrod

Chairman Turner asked for the staff report. Justin Erickson presented the staff report.

Chairman Turner asked if the Commissioners had any questions. Commissioner
Bergsten wanted more information regarding the consideration of color-coated chain
link fencing listed in the conditions and what it entailed. Justin Debruin discussed the
coloring may soften the appearance and visual impact. Commissioner Silvia
mentioned he would consider the approval provided the option for color coated
chain link fence be removed. Commissioner Salter asked if Staff received any formal
comments back in regards to the public notice. Justin Debruin as well as Justin
Erickson mentioned that Staff did not receive any. Commissioner Salter asked if the
notices specifically said mini-storage on them or not. Justin Erickson confirmed this
and commented that there was also a line for Proposed Use on the notices as well as
requested zoning. Chairman Turner expressed that if the rezone and Conditional Use

Permit were to be approved, the property would not be able to be used as anything
further, it would serve a single purpose and that she did not believe there was a need
for another mini-storage facility. Commissioner Cowen asked that if a new owner
came along and requested a rezone, that the allowance could be approved in the

Commissioner Cowen asked Kaye Harrod if she would be owning the property and
keep it in her possession for awhile. Kaye Harrod informed him she was. Kaye Harrod
mentioned the land was just sitting there vacant and she wanted to do something
with it. She also mentioned she would not put up a chain link fence and she would
make it look nice. Chairman Turner asked if anyone had any other questions and
informed the Commissioners they would be making two votes on this item.

Chairman Turner opened the public portion and asked if anyone would come forward
to speak for the proposal. Applicant Kaye Harrod came forward and informed
Commissioners she would develop 246 units. She explained there would only be a
20x20 office in front and maybe include a mix of brick and rock façade.
Commissioner Bergsten asked if she had any drawings to provide an idea of the look
and said she could bring them at another time. Commissioner Silvia added that this
was the only time the request could be approved with the change to the ordinances
regarding mini-storages. Kaye Harrod informed the Commissioners that she would
make them look nice and appropriate for the neighborhood. Commissioner Cowen
commented that he believed the mini-storage would improve the area and he
believes Kaye Harrod would keep the property nice and that having anything there
would be better than not having anything at all. Chairman Turner asked if there were
any other questions. Kaye Harrod asked what she would have to do if the request was
approved and she changed her mind about putting a mini-storage. Justin Erickson
informed her that she could request a rezone.

Chairman Turner asked if there was anyone who would like to speak against the
proposal. There were none. Chairman Turner closed the public portion.

Chairman Turner asked for a motion. Commissioner Cowen made a motion to
approve, seconded by Commissioner Bergsten.

Motion carries for Rezone:
AYE: Bergsten, Carter, Hoster, Turner, Silvia, Cowen, Salter

Chairman Turner asked for a motion. Commissioner Carter made a motion to
approve, seconded by Commissioner Silvia with conditions.

Motion carries for Conditional Use Permit:
AYE: Bergsten, Carter, Hoster, Silvia, Cowen, Salter
NAY: Turner

AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Case #S06-14 – Consideration of approval of a Preliminary Plat for Panda Express located at 194 Shawnee Mall Drive, Shawnee, OK

Applicant: Eric J. Abeln

Combined Staff Report.

Chairman Turner asked for the staff report. Justin Erickson presented the staff report.

Chairman Turner asked what the traffic situation would entail. Justin Erickson informed Turner that a traffic signal would be installed to hopefully decrease any traffic issues. Chairman Turner asked if the developer would do any revisions for the traffic situation and Justin Erickson informed her they would not. Commissioner Silvia mentioned adding another curb cut to the north side would relieve a lot of the incoming traffic. Justin Erickson informed the Commissioners that he would speak to the applicant. Chairman Turner asked about landscaping plans. Justin Erickson informed Turner that the applicant would landscape the development like a normal new construction site.

Chairman Turner opened the public portion and asked if anyone wanted to come forward to speak for the proposal. No one came forward. Chairman Turner then asked if anyone wanted to speak against the proposal and no one came forward. Chairman Turner closed the public portion.

Chairman Turner asked for a motion. Commissioner Cowen made a motion to
approve, seconded by Commissioner Silvia with conditions.

Motion carries:
AYE: Bergsten, Carter, Hoster, Turner, Silvia, Cowen, Salter

AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Case #S05-14 – Consideration of approval of a Final Plat for Panda Express located at 194 Shawnee Mall Drive, Shawnee, OK

Applicant: Eric J. Abeln

See Above.

Chairman Turner asked for a motion. Commissioner Carter made a motion to
approve, seconded by Commissioner Hoster.

Motion carries:
AYE: Bergsten, Carter, Hoster, Turner, Silvia, Cowen, Salter

AGENDA ITEM NO. 9: A public hearing for consideration of revision to
the City of Shawnee Zoning Codes

Applicant: City of Shawnee

Chairman Turner asked for the staff report. Justin Erickson presented the staff report.

Justin Erickson explained to the commissioners that if they agreed with the changes
made to the zoning codes that there would be no more substantive changes made
and it would be forwarded on to the City Commission. Justin Erickson mentioned that
the previous draft did not include communication towers and cell phone tower
regulations and this was incorporated into the draft.

Chairman Turner opened the public portion and asked for any public comments.
There were none and Chairman Turner closed the public portion.

Chairman Turner asked for a motion to forward to City Commission. Commissioner
Bergsten made a motion to approve, seconded by Commissioner Salter.

Motion carries:
AYE: Bergsten, Carter, Hoster, Turner, Silvia, Cowen, Salter

AGENDA ITEM NO. 10: Planning Director’s Report

Justin Erickson disclosed the final terms for three of the Planning Commissioners and extended his thanks. Justin Erickson mentioned the grant received from the Avedis Foundation for trail lighting and sidewalk and trail improvements. Justin Erickson also discussed the site plans for Chick-fil-a and the Hunt Development property for Shawnee Marketplace. Chairman Turner asked if there were any plans in reference to the comment from applicant Kaye Harrod earlier in the meeting regarding a Qdoba Mexican Restaurant coming in. Justin Erickson informed Chairman Turner he had not received any.
Commissioner Cowen asked Justin Erickson if he knew who would be filling the positions for the Planning Commission and Justin Erickson informed the Commissioners he would email them when he knew.

AGENDA ITEM NO. 11: Commissioners Comments and/or New Business

Chairman Turner wanted to thank the Commissioners and Staff for the time spent with all of them and made a formal announcement to recommend Commissioner Silvia to replace her position as Chairman. Commissioner Silvia extended his thanks to the three commissioners leaving and also wanted to take a moment of silence to honor and remember Commissioner Prince.

AGENDA ITEM NO. 12: Adjournment

Meeting was adjourned.

Chairman/Vice-Chairman Cheyenne Lincoln Planning Commission Secretary

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