Date: 8/5/2015Board: Planning CommissionDocumentType: MinutesWeb Posted: 9/3/2015 10:29:08 AM
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The Planning Commission of the City of Shawnee, County of Pottawatomie, State of Oklahoma, met in the Commission Chambers, at City Hall, 9th and Broadway, on Wednesday, August 5th, 2015 at 1:30 p.m., pursuant to notice duly posted as prescribed by law.


Upon roll call the following members were present:

Present: Clinard, Kerbs, Bergsten, Cowen, Kienzle, Affentranger

The meeting was called to order.

AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Consideration of Approval of the minutes from the June 3rd, 2015
Planning Commission Meeting

Chairman Bergsten asked if the Board had time to review the minutes and if so would ask to entertain a motion if there were no questions or discussion. Commissioner Kerbs made a motion to approve, seconded by Commissioner Affentranger.

Motion passed:
AYE: Kerbs, Bergsten, Cowen, Kienzle, Affentranger
ABSTAIN: Clinard

AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Swearing in of Regena Morton to the Planning Commission

Regena Morton came forward to be sworn in to the Planning Commission

AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Citizen’s Participation

Chairman Bergsten opened the public portion and announced that this is an open time for discussion for those with questions on topics not on the Agenda and asked if anyone would like to come forward. No one came forward and Chairman Bergsten closed the public portion of the meeting.

AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Case #S09-15 – Consideration of approval of a Preliminary Plat for Shawnee Auto Mall located North of Shawnee Mall Drive, Shawnee, OK

Applicant: Huitt-Zollar, INC

Chairman Bergsten asked for the staff report. Justin Debruin presented the staff report. Mr. Debruin
mentioned that the plat came before the Planning Commission back in March and was voided until now. Justin Debruin informed the Commissioners that the plan included building four lots on the twenty one acre parcel of land for a car dealership. He also stated the sidewalk and landscape requirements and went over the utility, sewer and storm water details. Mr. Debruin informed the Commissioners that the applicant is requesting a variance on the cul-de-sac length to be just over seven hundred feet and listed the five conditions for approval. Chairman Bergsten asked if there were any questions for staff. Commissioner Kerbs asked about the easement north of the proposed plat and possibility of an East-West Street coming off of Union Street. Justin Debruin stated the possibility is there but it wasn’t economically feasible for the Developers at this site. Commissioner Clinard asked if there was enough retention for the storm water and Justin Debruin mentioned that the final plat approval point would be where they confirm that. Commissioner Kerbs asked what the advantage of a public road versus a private road would be. Justin Debruin informed him that the Code doesn’t normally allow commercial development to obtain private roads like this with future options. Commissioner Kienzle asked what the purpose to extend the cul-de-sac was for. Mr. Debruin explained that the parking requirements, lot sizes and other factors played into the need to extend the length. Chairman Bergsten asked if there were any other questions for staff. There were none and Chairman Bergsten opened the public portion and asked if anyone against the item would like to come forward and speak. There were none. Chairman Bergsten asked if anyone in favor of the item would like to come forward and Brandon with Huitt-Zollar came forward and stated he would answer any questions the Commission may have. There were none and Chairman Bergsten closed the public portion and asked if there were any questions or comments from the Commissioners. There were none and Vice-Chairman Cowen made a motion to approve with conditions listed by staff, seconded by Commissioner Kienzle.

Motion approved:
AYE: Morton, Clinard, Kerbs, Bergsten, Cowen, Kienzle, Affentranger

AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Planning Director’s Report

Justin Debruin informed the Commissioners that the City got approval from ODOT for the Streetscape
project with bids going out mid-August and development postponed until beginning of the year. It will be a two phase project. Aldi will have their grand opening August 13th. Permits have been approved for Hallmark. Mr. Debruin mentioned one or two cases coming before the Commission next month, one of which is for a restaurant. OBU has a number of projects going on; dorms are trying to finish for school year, nursing building is working on final inspections and a new building purchased across the street will be utilized as a cadaver lab. Deer Field Estates has started their project. North Harrison Industrial Park project is coming together. Dunham Sports will be going into the old Sears building at Shawnee Mall, hopefully opening in November. The pool and splash pad are doing very well with good turnout.

AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Commissioners Comments and/or New Business

Chairman Bergsten asked what the Dunham Sports store is comparable to. Justin Debruin stated that they are comparable to Academy and they have over two hundred stores in different states. Vice-Chairman Cowen congratulated Justin Debruin on his new position and asked if the square footage was all inclusive and Mr. Debruin believed them to be. Vice-Chairman Cowen also asked for an update on the Downtown Property Maintenance Code. Mr. Debruin briefly went over the purpose for the Code and explained that staff will send out the letters to property owners in Mid-August. Vice-Chairman Cowen asked to be copied when the letters go

out and Justin Debruin agreed to. Commissioner Clinard discussed the negative effect that the neglected buildings had on investment potential. Chairman Bergsten asked if there were any other questions. Commissioner Kienzle asked if there was a master plan meeting and Justin Debruin informed her that it was an assessment/report on the parks within Shawnee to better regulate the upkeep with the shortage of employees. Mr. Debruin mentioned that there was no action as of yet and Commissioner Kienzle asked for a presentation on the report and Mr. Debruin stated that was a good idea and he believed he could make that possible. Commissioner Affentranger asked where the Bryan Street trail would go from where it has stopped at this time. Justin Debruin informed him that it would stop at Highland Street and there is a possibility the sidewalks could be redone. Commissioner Kerbs asked if the Code Enforcement positions were fully staffed. Mr. Debruin agreed and introduced Cody Deal as one of the new inspectors and also mentioned the job opening for the Assistant Planner position. Chairman Bergsten asked about the next phase for the Kickapoo Street project and if the eastern side of Beard Street off Main would be considered and Justin Debruin informed him the next phase would be to do the same work on Kickapoo Street from Kickapoo Spur to Main Street with a round about turning on Main Street and that Beard Street work has been discussed. Commissioner Clinard asked about putting different types of entrances off Harrison and Kickapoo Streets. Justin Debruin agreed that would be helpful and discussed possible placements. Commissioner Clinard informed the Board that the Downtown Task Force has now become the Historic Shawnee Alliance as a non-profit organization. Commissioner Kerbs discussed briefly the façade grants and educational assistance as well. Mr. Debruin went over the updates on the zoning map and Chairman Bergsten asked if there were any other questions or comments. There were none and Chairman Bergsten asked for a motion to adjourn.

AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Ajournment

Meeting was adjourned.

Chairman/Vice-Chairman Cheyenne Lincoln Planning Commission Secretary

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