Date: 10/7/2015Board: Planning CommissionDocumentType: MinutesWeb Posted: 11/5/2015 4:24:01 PM
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DATE: October 7th, 2015

The Planning Commission of the City of Shawnee, County of Pottawatomie, State of Oklahoma, met in the Commission Chambers, at City Hall, 9th and Broadway, on Wednesday, October 7th, 2015 at 1:30 p.m., pursuant to notice duly posted as prescribed by law.


Upon roll call the following members were present:

Present: Morton, Clinard, Kerbs, Bergsten, Cowen, Kienzle, Affentranger

The meeting was called to order and Chairman Bergsten stated he had a request to switch item numbers four and five and asked if there were any objections. There were none.

AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Consideration of Approval of the minutes from the September 2nd,
2015 Planning Commission Meeting

Chairman Bergsten asked if the Board had time to review the minutes and if so would ask to entertain a motion if there were no questions or discussion. Vice-Chairman Cowen made a motion to approve, seconded by Commissioner Kerbs.

Motion passed:
AYE: Morton, Clinard, Kerbs, Bergsten, Cowen, Kienzle, Affentranger

AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Citizen’s Participation

Chairman Bergsten opened the public portion of the meeting and announced that this is an open time for discussion for those with questions on topics not on the Agenda and asked if anyone would like to come forward. No one came forward and Chairman Bergsten closed the public portion of the meeting.

AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Case #P14-15 – A public hearing for consideration of approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow for an open-air enterprise for property located at 1101 W. 45t St., Shawnee, OK.

Applicant: Kenneth & Donna Massey

Chairman Bergsten asked for the staff report. Justin Debruin presented the staff report. Mr. Debruin mentioned the request was for a Conditional Use Permit for an open-air enterprise at 1101 W. 45th Street with a total of nineteen acres. The applicants will be selling vintage and refurbished items mostly on weekends from March to November of each year with one to two events per month and with attendance between 1000 – 1500 people at each event. Justin Debruin stated parking would be on the northern end with 600 – 750 cars at each event. Mr. Debruin mentioned a concern with the proximity to residential homes and the drive entrance to facilitate ingress and egress on site and basic traffic control and parking issues. Justin Debruin stated cars parking on the right of way would hinder sight for traffic and there is a potential for trash and debris issues and each event

would require a safety traffic control plan. Mr. Debruin informed the Commissioners that there would be no overnight camping on site per applicant. Justin Debruin stated the comprehensive plan shows this site to be more residential in nature and that staff does not recommend approval at this time for this current use and asks for a deferral to speak to the applicant more to negotiate some of the concerns. Chairman Bergsten asked if the Commissioners had any questions for Justin Debruin. Commissioner Kerbs asked if case was deferred and changed to a smaller venue, what would hinder it from growing into a larger venue in future. Mr. Debruin stated it could be tough to regulate that. Commissioner Kerbs also asked if the property was directly north of the airport runway and if so, are there any FAA restrictions to be concerned about. Justin Debruin stated he did not foresee that but could not confirm. Commissioner Kerbs also asked about using existing driveway and Mr. Debruin added that it would be a traffic concern. Commissioner Affentranger asked about the economic impact the shows would bring. Justin Debruin informed him they did not have that information yet. Vice-Chairman Cowen mentioned the negative impact that would go on the real estate property values nearby. Justin Debruin brought up the petition from residences in the area complaining of the proposal. Commissioner Kerbs discussed the vendor permits, fees and sales tax. Commissioner Kienzle stated there was not enough infrastructure to accommodate for this type of event and ruins future development surrounding the area. Commissioner Clinard mentioned the traffic hold up this would cause and did not believe this was a good area for the event. Commissioner Affentranger asked if there were any plans to make the roads going west a four lane and Justin Debruin stated there were not any. Chairman Bergsten opened the public portion of the meeting and asked if there was anyone who would like to speak against the proposal and Monica Clymer came forward. Monica stated the traffic issues and asked about where customers would use the facilities among other issues. Ben Salter came forward to state that Kickapoo and 45th Streets cannot hold that increased number of cars and also mentioned the possibility of future involvement of concerts or other similar events and asked staff to deny request. Chairman Bergsten asked if anyone else against the item would like to come forward. There were none and Chairman Bergsten asked if anyone in favor of the item would like to come forward. Kenneth Massey came forward and mentioned that he has done shows for a number of years and the booths would be similar to craft shows and would be either one day or three day shows ending earlier in evening. Mr. Massey discussed being vested at property and went over parking and traffic issues. Commissioner Kerbs mentioned the cars parked leaking onto property and pond and Commissioner Affentranger asked how realistic twelve shows were. Mr. Massey stated that may be somewhat of an overreach. Commissioner Affentranger asked if each show would have to be re-permitted and Justin Debruin stated he saw it being a special event permit if CUP was approved. Commissioner Affentranger asked if there were issues after being passed, if it could be issued another permit in future and Mr. Debruin stated he would get with City Manager’s office on it. Commissioner Affentranger asked if Mr. Massey would accept being allowed four days out of the year and Mr. Massey stated it was possible but six or so would be better. Commissioner Clinard asked if the neighbor on the west side was okay with the proposal and Mr. Massey stated they accepted it. Commissioner Morton mentioned the traffic issue off 45th Street and also stated that the applicant had a good idea but would work better in a different location. Chairman Bergsten asked if there were anyone else who would like to come forward. There were none and Chairman Bergsten closed the public portion of the meeting and asked if the Commissioners had any questions or a motion. Commissioner Affentranger made a motion to defer, seconded by Commissioner Clinard.

Motion Deferred:
AYE: Clinard, Kerbs, Bergsten, Cowen, Kienzle, Affentranger

AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Presentation of the 2015 Park System Inventory & Assessment by James Bryce.

James Bryce came forward to present the 2015 Park System Inventory & Assessment for the Commissioners.

AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Planning Director’s Report

Justin Debruin went over the Downtown Property Maintenance Code violation letters and mentioned that there were four or five properties that would be receiving letters. Mr. Debruin informed the Commissioners that there would also be courtesy letters and Mr. Debruin mentioned that the Shawnee Historic Alliance would be turning in a comprehensive list of the top five properties that need letters mailed out to them. Vice-Chairman Cowen asked if any of the remodels going on right now are because of the letters and Justin Debruin informed him that a couple have started because of the Code but not from receiving a letter. Mr. Debruin discussed the Parks Assessment presented by James Bryce.

AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Commissioners’ Comments and/or New Business

AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Adjournment

Meeting was adjourned.

Chairman/Vice-Chairman Cheyenne Lincoln Planning Commission Secretary

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