Date: 5/6/2009Board: Planning CommissionDocumentType: MinutesWeb Posted: 6/3/2009 4:26:41 PM
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DATE: May 6, 2009

The Planning Commission of the City of Shawnee, County of Pottawatomie, State of Oklahoma, met in Commission Chambers, at City Hall, 9th and Broadway, on Wednesday, May 6, 2009 at 1:30 p.m., pursuant to notice duly posted as prescribed by law. Staff reports are available upon request.

AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Roll Call

Upon roll call the following members were present:

Kirk Hoster Louis Maltos
Brad Carter Shawna Turner
John Holt Chris Silvia

Absent: Jimmy Nickles
A quorum was declared present and the meeting was called to order.
Note: Jimmy Nickles arrived at 1:32 p.m. during Agenda Item 2.

AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Approval of the minutes from the April 1, 2009 Planning Commission Meeting.

Chairman Holt asked for a motion, Commissioner Hoster made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Carter to approve the April 1, 2009 Planning Commission meeting minutes with a correction to add Kirk Hoster to giving report along with Chris Silvia to item # 7.

Motion carried:
AYE: Hoster, Carter, Turner and Silvia
NAY: None
ABSTAIN: Nickles, Holt and Maltos
AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Case # P08-09 - A public hearing for consideration of approval to rezone property from A-1; Agricultural to R-1; Residential for property located at 65 Timber Creek Dr. (Applicant: David Federighi)
David Federighi and Amy Federighi were present for the meeting.
Chairman Holt asked for the Staff Report. Justin Erickson summarized the staff report and recommended approval to rezone 65 Timber Creek Dr. from A-1 to R-1.

Chaiman Holt stated the airport runway is close to this location and asked if this needed to be approved by the FAA. Mr. Erickson stated typically that would be

reviewed at the permit stage when the elevation of the structure is known. Mr. Erickson answered questions from the Commission.

Chairman Holt opened the public hearing and asked if anyone was for or against the proposal. Mr. Jim Gallagher came forward with concerns with drainage on Pine Ridge & Hardesty if a sub-division was built.

David Federeghi came forward and answered questions from the Commission. He stated he is planning on building 1 to 3 homes on the property.

Commissioner Maltos made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Silvia to approve the rezoning from A-1 to R-1 subject to FAA approval for property located at 65 Timber Creek Dr.

Motion carried:
AYE: Maltos, Silvia, Nickles, Hoster, Carter, Holt and Turner
NAY: None

AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Consideration of Correction Certificated: Block 1, Timbers Addition II.
Mike Little was present for the meeting.
Chairman Holt asked for the Staff Report. Justin Erickson explained the process to correct a plat. Lots 17, 18, 19 & 20 are the lots that need corrected.

Mike Little came forward and explained the correction only affects the footage at the back of the lots.

Commissioner Hoster made a motion seconded by Commissioner Maltos to approve the Correction Certificate for Block 1, Timbers Addition II.
Motion carried:
AYE: Hoster, Maltos, Turner, Silvia, Nickles, Carter and Holt
NAY: None

AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: A public hearing for consideration of approval to adopt the 2006 Edition of the International Property Maintenance Code. (Deferred from 4/1/09 meeting)

Note: Jimmy Nickles left at 2:30 during this Agenda Item.
Chairman Holt asked for a staff report. Justin Erickson summarized the staff report. The proposal is to amend Article VII, Section 7-431 of the Shawnee Municipal Code to adopt the 2006 International Property Maintenance Code. The current code is the “BOCA” 1996 code. Staff provided a proposed draft ordinance with minor amendments to the IPMC. Mr. Erickson recommended approval of the proposed code amendment, which would result in the adoption if the 2006 Edition of the International Property Maintenance Code.

Justin Erickson answered questions from the Commission.

Commissioner Silvia made a motion, seconded by Hoster to adopt the 2006 edition of the International Property Maintenance Code with additions and deletions as outlined by staff.
Motion carried:
AYE: Silvia, Hoster, Carter, Maltos, and Turner
NAY: None

AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Planning Director’s Report

Justin Erickson stated there were 7 new home permits in April which was the same number as April, 2008. Mr. Erickson stated John Holt’s term for the Planning Commission expires June 1, 2009.

AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: New Business/Commissioner Comments

Under New Business, Chairman Holt nominated Louis Maltos for Planning Commission Chairman. Mr. Maltos accepted the nomination. The nomination had the consensus of the Commission. Louis Maltos nominated Shawna Turner for Planning Commission Vice-chair. Shawna Turner accepted the nomination. The nomination had the consensus of the Commission.

Also under New Business, Chris Silvia reported on the Kickapoo project.
After a lengthy discussion the Commission recommended having a work shop at another time with the City Commission to discuss the project.

AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Adjournment

Meeting was adjourned.

Chairman/Vice-Chairman Karen Drain Karen Drain, Planning Commission Secretary

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