Date: 1/8/2014Board: Planning CommissionDocumentType: MinutesWeb Posted: 3/6/2014 11:57:20 AM
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The Planning Commission of the City of Shawnee, County of Pottawatomie, State of Oklahoma, met in the Commission Chambers, at City Hall, 9th and Broadway, on Wednesday, January 8th, 2014 at 1:30 p.m., pursuant to notice duly posted as prescribed by law. Justin Erickson, Planning Director for the City of Shawnee, presented the staff reports. Staff reports are available upon request.


Upon roll call the following members were present:

Present: Bergsten, Carter, Hoster, Turner, Silvia, Salter
Absent: Cowen

The meeting was called to order.

AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Approval of the minutes from the December 4, 2013 Planning Commission Meeting

Chairman Turner asked for a motion. Commissioner Hoster made the motion seconded by Commissioner Bergsten to approve the December 4, 2013 minutes.

Motion passed:
AYE: Bergsten, Carter, Hoster, Turner, Silvia, Salter

AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Citizens Participation

Chairman Turner opened the Citizens’ Participation and asked if anyone would like to
speak. No one came forward.

AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Case #P01-14 – A public hearing for consideration of approval to rezone property located at 3720 N. Bryan from A-1; Agricultural to R-1; Residential Single Family

Applicant: Janice Percell

Commissioner Cowen arrived at 1:35 pm.

Chairman Turner asked for the staff report. Justin Erickson presented the staff report.

Staff recommended approval to rezone from A-1 to R-1.

Chairman Turner opened the public hearing asking if anyone wanted to speak for the
proposal. Janice Percell spoke for the request. No one spoke against the proposal.

Chairman Turner asked for a motion. Commissioner Carter made a motion, seconded
by Silvia to approve the rezoning from A-1 to R-1.

Motion passed:
AYE: Bergsten, Carter, Hoster, Turner, Silvia, Cowen, Salter

AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Workshop: Zoning Code Revision

Justin Erickson and Justin Debruin discussed modifications pertaining to the previous workshop held last month on December 19th, 2013. These modifications included the possibility of fewer restrictions on downtown building standards as well as adding more parking restrictions for restaurants and multi-use facilities. Staff also proposed discussing issues in regards to the standards for commercial parking including the number of spots and size. Outdoor storage for businesses was also discussed in regards to the type of regulations for the existing businesses and also for any future businesses.

AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Planning Director’s Report

There was no report.

AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Commissioners Comments and/or New Business

Chairman Silvia inquired about the progress with dilapidated buildings and Commissioner Hoster commended the department on the work. No new floodplain plans were available. Discussion was held on the new Communication Federal Credit Union on Kickapoo and 45th Street.

AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Adjournment

Meeting was adjourned.

Chairman/Vice-Chairman Cheyenne Lincoln Planning Commission Secretary

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